If you use firefox and you usually visit certain websites o certain days, this add-on will be really useful.
You'll understand why after reading some examples: You usually read a newspaper everyday, visit a website for a TV show on Wednesday, read the sport website on Sunday, Read a blog on Monday... In those cases you only have to add the URL of the website you usually visit everyday to the everyday list, the TV show to the Wednesday, the sport news website to the Sunday, the blog URL to the Monday... and Morning Coffee will open those websites the first time you run Firefox the day they are planned to be read.
It's extremely easy and it will save you a lot of time. It's perfect for people who usually read a certain website a certain day of the week. You will not forget anymore to read the new sales in the supermarket that are published every Tuesday and you'll read that funny webcomic published every Thursday. It's perfect, very useful and handy.
Don't hesitate, download and install it, you'll realize it is the add-on you've always needed.
It seems interesting, we should try it. Although I think Google Reader might be enough to organize the pages you want to read daily.
WOW! I tried it a while ago, and it had some issues, but now it seems to work wonderfully. Moreover, it has multiple functions for different days and supports numerous pages per day. I love it!